I've decided I'm going to start doing monthly recaps, since I've enjoyed reading recaps from other bloggers and I'd like to start opening up a little more about my daily life here on the blog. So without further ado, here's your wrap-up for the month of April 2015!

On the blog

  • I participated in Beautiful People and talked about the main sibling dynamic in my WIP, On the Midnight Streets: my heroine, Chantilly Rosewater, and her younger sisters Chamomile and Velvet.
  • I recommended "Gray Girls" by Tess Walsh for Fiction Friday #14
  • I received the Cake Book Tag and the Addictive Blog Award from my good friend Alyssa.
  • I finally made my first #WatchMeWrite video and showed everyone my drafting. (It's actually quite boring. I'm sure people only watched for the music.)

That one time I was offline *gasp*

  • During the first weekend of April, our district-level speech and debate tournament happened! It was boatloads of fun and plenty of drama went down, and it was less nerve-wracking than usual because our school was hosting. I got to finals in Original Oratory (the only event in the entire competition I might be semi-okay at), but sadly I didn't place. But lots of team members are advancing to our state-level tournament now, and I'm really happy for them! 
  • (I really love speech and debate, even though I'm basically a complete mediocrity.)
  • During the second weekend of April, I performed at a small recital and ABSOLUTELY FAILED. Thankfully, though I managed to shore myself up fairly quickly and save the piece before it wrecked itself completely.
  • I spent, um, a lot of time practicing piano. Every day. Like I do every month.
  • I advanced to Level Two of my second degree black belt in taekwondo! (I still can't beat you up. We all prefer it that way.)
  • High school is still... *sigh*. But hey, what was I expecting?
  • I participated in a master class for piano with a really wonderful pianist who was super cool and very insightful. 
  • We started a unit on analyzing film in our literature class and it is vaguely tolerable. (We're watching The Hunger Games and Catching Fire.)

I've been reading

  • The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski, which was disgustingly beautiful and also devastating. If you need me, I'll be in the next room trying to piece my heart back together.
  • Rules of Seduction by Jenna Mullins, which was fun but kind of bland, and the characters made some spectacularly terrible decisions.
  • Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, which was enthusiastically recommended to me by Alyssa and for good reason (reasons like Shakespeare love, apocalyptic creepiness, and an eerily beautiful and realistic presentation of the end of the world as we know it).
  • Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett, which was the book by my Freshman Fifteens COMMON ROOM Anthology mentor, and Kim's book was as awesome as her mentoring. Which is to say: pretty darn great.
  • Currently: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, for literature honors. I'm enjoying it so far but am still developing my thoughts.

I've been watching {television}

omg omg guys this show is everything i NEVER knew i wanted
I've been slowly but surely getting into the CW show The 100. It's essentially Tumblr's fault that I've gotten on the bandwagon, because The 100 takes up about half of my dashboard and I'd been wanting to see what the fuss was all about. And GUYS. I am so into this show it's not even funny. If you are at all interested in powerful women, moral ambiguities, diversity, dynamic relationships, and a (literally) killer cast of characters, WATCH. THIS SHOW. 

(Those of you who follow me on Tumblr have probably become suddenly aware that I've fallen in love with The 100 because I've been spamming you all with Raven Reyes. And, you know, everyone else. But mostly Raven.)

I'm done with the first season so far and I JUST. I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING.

I even tweeted about it:
But the responses I got to my tweet were terrifying:
So this basically sums up my thoughts about season two:
omg omg guys this show is everything i ALWAYS knew i wanted
Wolf Hall is basically the PERFECT TV Tudor England period drama and that is that. There is POLITICS EVERYWHERE and the costumes are ACTUALLY PERIOD ACCURATE and SO IS (to some extent) THE SOUNDTRACK. Oh my goodness I might actually die flailing about this show.

It just started airing here in the U.S., so I'm only up to the fourth episode (and there are only six total so what will I do with my life when this ends?). It's giving me an interesting lens on the events of this time period (Henry VIII's divorce from Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn's reign, execution of Thomas More, etc.), which is definitely helpful, since I did a Renaissance Fair project on More that didn't exactly go into his... moral ambiguities, let's say. The entire cast delivers absolutely stellar performances, with special shoutouts to Damian Lewis as Henry VIII, Mark Rylance as Thomas Cromwell, and Claire Foy as Anne Boleyn.

Hey here have some Claire Foy because SHE'S MY FAVORITE. PROTECT ANNE BOLEYN even if she is incredibly ruthless and conniving.

look she's amazing

Help, someone teach me how to Instagram

A photo posted by Christina (@clocksandcages) on

Links of interest

  • A fabulous hashtag called #VeryRealisticYA was started on Twitter by the equally fabulous John Hansen. Basically, it's all about what young adult novels would be like if they were... y'know, actually sensible and realistic once in a while. A huge variety of Twitter voices quickly jumped in, and the hashtag even started trending! (You have no idea how much this excited me.) Anyway, my good friend Alyssa Carlier did a recap, and it's great.
  • The title, cover, and back cover blurb for the sequel to A Darker Shade of Magic: A Gathering of Shadows! AND IT'S... AHHH. (Also, Alyssa did a fangirly post full of caps and squealing and theories.)

...and that was my April! How was yours?

(PS: How did you like this recap? Are there any components you'd like to see added?)
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I have a surprise for you all. 

Now that I reflect upon it, almost everything I post is a surprise because hey, I have zero schedule or organization or anything on this blog. But I wanted to make it all official, because I've been meaning to do this for a long time.

Like six months, in fact.

This weird and wonderful hashtag-thing #WatchMeWrite originally started back in September 2014, when E.R. Warren, Japanese fantasy writer and all-around awesome person, decided that it would be cool to screen-record her writing process, fast-forward it, add some music, and share it with the Internet. I loved it, because not only is E.R. just a fabulous writer, it's a great way to peek into another creator's skull (that was not meant to be as creepy as it sounded). I even went so far as to make a how-to post so that other writers could join in on the fun.

Then I was tagged by the absolutely splendiferous Samantha Chaffin to create a video myself, and I was itching to do it. But I was on a PC at the time, and screen-recording on a PC is... painful, to say the least.

So now I have a Mac and I finally did it.

...some context, I guess

This is me drafting a bit of the eleventh chapter of my WIP On the Midnight Streets. If you're not caught up on Figment (this bit picks up exactly where the Figment posting leaves off, if you're eager for the next chapter—okay, let's face it, I'm talking directly to Alyssa right now in order to avoid her guilt-tripping), you may want to do some reading first.

the video!

So here it is! Enjoy. (The music is Paola Bennet's downright chills-inducing cover of Bastille's "Pompeii".)

recommended #WatchMeWrite videos 

(I'll admit it: these are all writing friends of mine. They're all WORD MAGICIANS OR SOMETHING. If you've seen a good one that I haven't included, though, don't hesitate to shoot me the link!)

  • E.R. Warren works on rom-com fantasy crack (Burnt Chocolate, Fairy King) in the inaugural #WatchMeWrite video (plus, you can read the full serial over at my lit + art mag).
  • Samantha Chaffin messes with fonts as she starts "hail the pumpkin king" (which has a glorious Pinterest board, by the way).
  • Raefah Wahid makes headway on her mythology-based short story "Ophelia and the Reaper" (featuring some too-cool background music by MS MR).
  • Lydia Albano chips the ice on a Yeats-inspired (yes, watch out for all of the rabid Yeats fans, myself included) mermaid project.
  • Alyssa Carlier revises the opening of her novel Winner Takes All, complete with dead queens and ghosts and OOH, POLITICS (uh-oh, she's running out of Star Wars music to use).

and that's it for my first #watchmewrite! writers, come to the dark side. we've got internet cookies for you.

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this has basically no significance. i just thought it was really cool that a wikipedia cake exists. [via]
*glances up at title* Um, basically everything, but we won't remark on that.

Who's brought this nefarious but undeniably brilliant combination to Christina's blog, you may ask? (I think we all know the answer at this point. HUMOR ME.) That would be the equally nefarious and even more brilliant Alyssa Carlier of The Devil Orders Takeout. She's tagged me for the Cake Book Tag and the Addictive Blog Award - my thanks as always! And if you're not devotedly following her takeout, I'd recommend it. There is much science and snark and writerly witchcraft to be had (sometimes all at the same time).

But let's get down to what you're all *really* here for: dessert.

Cake Book Tag

I think I can present this tag basically without comment and proceed, so I'll do just that.

Flour: A book that started slowly but turned out amazing.

still don't love any of the covers for this series. *sigh*
Honestly, this entire series started out slowly but turned out to be MIND-BLOWING. When I first read Throne of Glass, I was pretty 'meh' about it—I enjoyed the experience but it was nothing that I hadn't really seen before. But then I read Crown of Midnight. It was better, so I figured I'd stay with the series. And then Heir of Fire came along and IT SLAYED ME, YOU GUYS. IT... BROKE ME. The Assassin's Blade had an equally debilitating yet wonderful effect on my feels. If any of you are considering the Throne of Glass series, DO. IT. Although it may not seem amazing at first, DO NOT BE FOOLED. THERE WILL BE EMOTIONS EVERYWHERE.

Butter: A book that had a thick, rich plot.

i still don't know how i feel about these covers. i'll never know.
I mean, this series had a thick, rich EVERYTHING, not just the plot. Laini Taylor brings colorful characters and lush, vibrant settings to life with supernatural grace and power. Her writing just slides into you, settles over you like a second skin. I feel so at home in her worlds and her characters' minds, but at the same time, I'm exploring something real and new and radiant. This trilogy is such an original and powerful fantasy, fearless and gorgeous and earth-shattering. READ. IT.

Eggs: A book you thought would be bad but turned out great.

(First of all, I love eggs through and through, so I kind of take issue with this heading. But I digress.)

stop elizabeth wein 2k15
A really good IRL writer friend of mine read this book and enthusiastically recommended it to me. I super super respect her as a reader and writer to the highest power, and our tastes are usually pretty similar, so I figured I should trust her and go for it. So I borrowed the hardcover from the library and promptly decided that it just didn't click with me. The tone felt juvenile, the characters felt forced, etc. I returned it and told her that I didn't manage to finish it.

Fast forward to a deal I found for a free audiobook of Code Name Verity. Fast forward to when I decided to give it a chance.

GOODBYE, BLITHE IGNORANCE. Cue gross sobbing at the beauty and tragedy and absolute gold that is this book.

Sugar: A sugary, sweet book.

okay, fine. so this is sweet but not necessarily 'sugary'. but i am ignoring that so hard right now.
I don't really read a lot of books that could be described as 'sugary', so I'm going to have to go with Ella Enchanted. I am, as a whole, a HUGE Gail Carson Levine fan (actually, I'd say Fairest is my favorite book of hers), but I guess Ella Enchanted is the real 'classic' that she's written, and there are definitely sweet moments. And AHH THE NOSTALGIA.

And anyway, those of you who haven't read this book clearly missed out on an essential part of your childhoods. Rectify this error immediately. I promise it will help you grow up to be a more well-adjusted, awesome human being.

Icing: A book that covered every single element that you enjoy about a book.

no i will never stop book-pushing this series. #sorrynotsorry
I have squealed about this series on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS, I'm certain. But I need to bring it up again because it's one of my favorites of all time and it is so horrifically underrated. There is DIVERSITY. There is BANTER. There are COMPLEX, LAYERED, STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS EVERYWHERE. There is BEAUTIFUL WRITING. There is BRILLIANT WORLDBUILDING. This is one of my most treasured fantasy series ever to exist and I need EVERYONE TO READ IT. YOU MUST ALL READ IT. I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL YOU HAVE. I enjoyed every bit of it and it contained basically 'every single element' I love in books. Truly the perfectly sweet icing on the literary cake. 

Sprinkles: A book that always cheers you up.

unrelated note: why are the covers for every single edition of this series so unashamedly horrible? they remake the covers over and over again and they're all absolutely terrible. this series deserves better, random house. really, it does.
John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice series never fails to pick up my mood. I can flip to any page in pretty much any of the books and be completely sucked in within a few sentences of skimming. The effortless and intelligent yet hilarious Ranger snark, the gloriously played-out fight scenes, the general kick-butt everything about the series (highly skilled and awesome women! diverse characters! rich worldbuilding! detailed descriptions of weapons!)—this is the good stuff, right here. My memories of this series are immeasurably fond, since I first picked it up in the fifth grade and never looked back. It's a staggering twelve books long, so I have lots and lots to choose from if I ever need a comfort read.

The Cherry on Top: Best book of the year so far.

actual gift from the cover design gods, clearly.
(I think the fact that Alyssa and I both put this particular book in this particular spot says a lot about our friendship.)

I mean, everyone was expecting this to be here, right? V.E. Schwab's A Darker Shade of Magic sounded fantastic, yes—I even spotlighted it for Waiting on Wednesday once—but I was so not ready for THIS LEVEL OF PERFECTION. I think I was operating on some kind of book-induced high for the entirety of this reading experience. CROSS-DRESSING LADY THIEF LILA BARD! KELL, THE DASHING BLOOD MAGICIAN WITH A FABULOUS COAT! ASTRID AND ATHOS DANE! HOLLAND! PRINCE RHY! I mean, it just doesn't get much better than this.

Cupcakes: An awesome short with the epicness of a book.

This is a really inventive and beautifully written reinterpretation of Penelope's side of the Odyssey, with a pretty darn wonderful twist. (What can I say? I'm a sucker for the mortal women in Greek mythology, and Penelope is one of my favorites.) It is truly epic—and look! The story is available to read for free here.

Addictive Blog Award

  1. Thank the person awarding you.
  2. Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started.
  3. Paste the blog award on your page.
  4. Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award.

Why I blog

My reasons for blogging have definitely evolved over the past three-odd years. At first, it functioned as my excuse for playing with Blogger and trying to sound sophisticated. But soon it became a great kind of outlet for me, allowing me to express opinions about things I was passionate about, explore new areas of interest, and just generally be unashamedly me on my own little corner of the Internet. The friends that I've made here, the memories I've squealed about here, the fun I've had here—that's all thanks to this good old blog. And that's really what it's all about for me; I'd like to thank you all for making this such a great space for me and hopefully for anyone else who takes the time to stop by.

How the, er, 'journey' began

The rather humdrum and somewhat embarrassing Fairy Skeletons origin story: I was young(er). I thought I was good at writing. (Every day I argue with myself over whether or not this is true. I'll get back to you when I've decided, which will probably be never.) I could clearly see that Wordpress was not going to take me anywhere at that point, which is what I was using at the time, and so I stumbled upon Blogger one day and was immediately seized by the desire to try it out.

After over three years of 'trying it out', I think I'm finally starting to get it right. Kind of.

I'm tagging/nominating

Taylor @ Paper Daydreams
...so I'm totally blanking on more nominees. But! If you were awesome enough to read down to the bottom of this post, consider yourself tagged/nominated! 

Thanks again, Alyssa, and I hope you all enjoyed reading my answers!

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Hello, everyone, and happy Fiction Friday! (What are you talking about? It's totally a real Thing with a Capital T. Go with it.)

This week's rec was published by Literary Orphans, a magazine that's known for publishing some pretty top-notch material despite its comparatively generous acceptance rates. I had vaguely heard of the publication before around the online lit sphere, but I hadn't really delved into it until I stumbled upon its archives by accident.

(Let's face it; the entirety of the Internet is composed of fortuitous accidents and we all like it that way.)

Anyway, I took one look at the magazine's 'mission statement' of sorts and I was absolutely intrigued. It's a gorgeous idea captured in equally gorgeous language:
It’s the nervous glances back at your apartment when you go for a walk without your cell phone. It’s the nostalgia you have for squeaking cassette tapes and Soviet ICBMs. It’s an analog dream in a digital era. The writing on Literary Orphans is an exorcism of the mind of its contributors, and reading the work here is putting up your fists and getting confrontational with solitude–solitude in a world where neon signs are out and LCD billboards are in, a world where you can’t think for following because everyone is doing all the thinking for you.
The Lit Orphans story that I read was "Gray Girls" by Tess Walsh. This is a rich and reflective short story about two sisters, Harper and Ophelia Gray. Its greatest strength lies in its characterization; Harper and Ophelia are polar opposites, and that's evident in the mood, the tone, the taste of the entire piece. Walsh explores how we don't really realize how tightly intertwined our selves and souls are with those of our siblings until it's almost too late to fix any damage each of us has done to the other. We're shown that our siblings can be our lifelines and our weaknesses all at once. It seems ordinary, and maybe on some level all of it is, but Walsh's writing tells us the truth: deep down, it's anything but.

It helps that the writing is really elegant and wonderful, too:
The girl in the bed looked like Ophelia’s corpse, bones and wires glued to the skin as if there were nothing left inside anymore but parts and strings. Unnatural. Something dug up from a grave and scrubbed over. She looked even worse than their dead father had in the casket, and Harper could hear the breath shaking in her own lungs as panic crested inside her, lots of foam and the sensation of drowning.
You can read the full story here.

Enjoy! (Anyway, ahh! Thank goodness it's Friday, right?)

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Hey everyone! My apologies for kind of falling off the face of the earth this blog. For the first time ever, I'm linking up with Beautiful People, hosted by amazing blogger/writers Cait (of Paper Fury) and Sky (of Further Up and Further In)! I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I've never really had the time to sit down and do it until now.

You may remember my gigantic WIP spew post back in November, when I participated in Beautiful Books (a variation of this very linkup!). So I guess this is kind of an extension of that—you guessed it; I'm talking about On the Midnight Streets! Again! Because let's face it, my life revolves around this book!

Essentially, what makes Beautiful People different from Beautiful Books is that this linkup focuses exclusively on characters, meant to help us get to know these people better. This month's topic is one especially near and dear to my heart: siblings!

This month I'm featuring Chantilly Rosewater, the heroine of OtMS, alongside her two little sisters, Chamomile and Velvet. The girls are seventeen, fifteen, and thirteen years old, respectively. They've got a mostly incredibly positive and supportive sibling dynamic that I am so, so excited about, and I'm so thrilled to introduce it to you all!

1. What is the first memory they have of each other?

For Chantilly, it's her sisters' births. She has, in most cases, an uncannily good, near-photographic, highly visual memory, so she remembers those two days in particularly crisp, lucid detail. She remembers being terrified for her mother but struck with a strange, immense kind of joy when her sisters were finally born.

Chamomile also remembers Velvet's birth startlingly well, as she was with Chantilly the whole time and they were both kind of freaking out. But her first memory of Chantilly is weirdly quiet: Chantilly curled up in the corner by the single window in their boardinghouse room, deep in thought. Chantilly didn't develop her protective, smart, older-sister edge until she was around eight or nine, so she was very nervous and soft-spoken as a younger child; Chamomile just barely remembers that side of her.

Velvet's first memory of her sisters involves all three of them together—Chantilly is telling a story, as she's wont to do, and little Chamomile is trying to listen, though she's clearly nodding off. Velvet herself doesn't remember quite what the story was about, but she likes to think it was an especially good one.

2. Describe their relationship in 3 words.

Good-natured, protective, unbreakable.

3. What kind of things do they like to do together?

Chantilly and Velvet are both partial to stories, though Velvet struggles a bit with reading at times, so Chantilly makes up tales to lull her little sister to sleep. (She's basically rubbish at it, but she tries so hard that Velvet hasn't the heart to tell her so. And Chantilly's voice is so comforting that it doesn't much matter either way.)

The girls' mother, Diane, works as a washerwoman to support the family (or at least she does before they all have to haul themselves over to the Upper City), and Velvet and Chamomile help her out. They started work when they were both really little (Chantilly managed to snap up a job at a bookshop, which was just about the best job in the world for her), and they were constantly making up little games to make the chores less tedious. They still do it, giving each other small dares and making the time go by quickly. Simply working together amiably is one of their favorite things to spend time doing with each other. Unfortunately, now that they're in the Upper City, there's really no opportunity for them to do that.

Chamomile and Chantilly don't like to admit that they love each other, so they're not doing things together as much. But when they do? They like to just talk and take comfort in the knowledge that while their relationship gets strained sometimes, it'll never fall apart. Never.

4. What was their biggest fight?

When Chamomile was fourteen, she declared that she was going to find the girls' father, Robert, and make him answer for what he'd done to their family. He was an abusive, misogynistic poor excuse for a human being, and she was planning on making him pay. Chantilly immediately shot down any such ideas, saying he was probably dead anyway, and it was best to let such things lie. Velvet didn't remember their father much at all, but she was terrified by what she'd managed to piece together, so she begged Chamomile not to go through with it. Chamomile was so determined and angry that she ran away from home. She nearly got away with it, too, but Chantilly found her shivering and sad in a Middle City alley two days after she'd gone missing. None of the girls really spoke to each other for about a week afterwards.

5. How far would they go to save each other?

Chantilly would, without hesitation, die to save her sisters. She would, in most cases, kill for them as well. Chamomile is much the same, though she's constantly pretending that she doesn't care nearly as much as she actually does. Velvet would unquestionably suffer fates worse than death to save her sisters, but she would be more hesitant about the moral implications of, say, killing.

Basically: great lengths. These girls love each other to the moon and back.

6. What are their pet peeves about each other?

Chantilly: Chantilly is annoyed to no end by how brash and impetuous Chamomile is, and she spends a lot of time and effort trying to make up for this perceived fault. However, she's a little sweeter on her youngest sister, Velvet. Velvet's so kind that it's hard to think anything against her. Sometimes, though, she can't help but think that Velvet could be a little more practical.

Chamomile: She hates the fact that Chantilly always feels the need to rein her in and question her judgment. She loathes acknowledging her own mistakes; she wants to be self-reliant, but her impulsiveness undermines that. She doesn't like admitting that a lot of the time, she acts without thinking things through. Chantilly points that out for her and tries her best to keep her out of trouble, and Chamomile resents her supposed 'inability to mind her own business'. As for Velvet—well, just like Chantilly, she finds it difficult to find fault in her lovely younger sister. But sometimes she wishes that Velvet would just snap and speak up for herself instead of being so quiet and obliging all the time.

Velvet: She's a little peeved by Chantilly's tendency to try and soften the harsher truths of life. Basically, Chantilly's overprotective of her youngest sister, and it shows. Velvet thinks she can very well handle any difficulties that come her way, but Chantilly tries to shield her from it. Chamomile is also inclined to coddle Velvet, and she's not too enthusiastic about that.

7. What are their favorite things about each other?

Chantilly: Chantilly most loves Chamomile's deeply emotional core, although there are admittedly many, many layers of tough-girl bravado hiding Chamomile's vulnerability. It's that part of her that gives Chantilly faith that Chamomile will always pull through, no matter the circumstances. Chantilly also loves how Velvet can find beauty and grace in anything and everything, whether that's the overcast sky outside or the rough clothes they wear.

Chamomile: Chamomile secretly loves Chantilly's selflessness and unfailing ability to catch her loved ones when they fall and make mistakes and mess things up. She also is—yes, she admits it—a little jealous of Velvet's unconditional kindness and caring.

Velvet: Velvet loves Chantilly because she has an unassuming but undeniable backbone to her, and it shows up in everything she says or does. It's a quiet strength that Velvet wishes she could draw from. She also has a huge admiration for Chamomile's fearless way of speaking her mind and being assertive about her own wishes. 

8. What traits do they share? Mannerisms, clothing, quirks, looks, etc?

All three of them have the trademark 'Rosewater hair', passed straight down to them from their mother, Diane: strawberry blonde, easily tossed about, sometimes unruly. They're also all pretty smallish in terms of build—though Chamomile is easily taller than Chantilly now—and they have a habit of fiddling with their hair when they're nervous, possibly because it subconsciously reminds them of the bonds that tie them back to their family. They're also (probably due to their mother's experiences with their abusive father, and the fact that they were raised by a single mother) somewhat disinclined to trust boys, with their hearts or anything else. Other than that, though, they're all very different personality-wise, except for the deep-seated, awkward current of bravery running through them all. They like to say they inherited it from their mother; she's probably the person all three of them respect most in the world.

In addition, Chamomile and Velvet both got their mother's green eyes. Chantilly's unsettling purple eyes make her the odd duck.


9. Who has the strongest personality?

To a stranger, I'd say it would look like Chamomile has the strongest personality, and maybe that stranger would be right. She's certainly the loudest, most outspoken one of the three, and she has a more immediate presence than either of her sisters. She's a little commanding, a little rude, and a lot protective of her own ideas and her loved ones. But Chantilly's personality comes out really forcefully at certain times—when she feels like she should be the 'glue' holding her family together, for instance. Velvet's personality isn't weak, per se, but it's a lot more subdued.

10. How does their relationship change throughout your story?

It never once weakens—their strong sisterly bond is, in fact, one of the only constants throughout OtMS—but they grow to understand a lot more about each other as they each go through their own trials and tribulations. They each change individually in often-painful ways, but they always have their sisters to fall back on.

And that's the Rosewater girls for you! What do you think? Did you link up with Beautiful Books?

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