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The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes all the gift-themed squealing and Internet-wide merriment that one might expect. This is especially fun for us readers, because we get to talk BOOKS and how they make the best gifts of ever. And how WE WOULD LIKE BOOKS YES THANK YOU.

But sometimes we wordsmiths neglect our writerly sides during this time of peppermint-flavored fangirling. While this works for a lot of people (good for them!), it unfortunately doesn't work for me.

The writerly thoughts never stop.

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I'm participating in my second-ever blog party! This one is hosted by Cait, a magnificent human being and tirelessly awesome blogger. I've mentioned her on this blog before - her post ideas have sparked some of mine, and that aside, she's simply too fabulous to not talk about.

Cait recently made the switch to Wordpress and got a shiny new blog name/URL, PAPER FURY. (Isn't that one of the best blog names ever?) To celebrate, she's throwing a party of Gatsby proportions (okay, okay, exaggeration, but still).

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On the corner of the Internet that I frequent, it's pretty widely agreed that extended fangirl sessions on Twitter are always good. So when I found myself in the middle of one with Topaz, Alyssa, Taylor, and AnQi (I feel like there's a really awesome acronym in there somewhere), I was naturally excited.

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You think I am exaggerating in the title of this post. I am actually not.

(I'm talking about this Alyssa and you should go give her ALL THE LOVE because she's a wonderful person.)

What happened, you might ask?

Only the most AMAZING THING OF EVER. Allow me to elaborate. (Which I'm already doing, but bear with me because my mind is still awash in fangirly nonsense.)

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